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Green Bay Area Public School District









Welcome to the East High Library Media Center!

With over 13,000 print and electronic sources in our collection, the East High LMC staff is ready to assist your academic research, technology, and leisure reading needs. Discover a world of possibilities where you can choose your own adventure!

Our goal in the LMC is to support inquiry by both students and staff. To assist with that, we offer print and non-print resources that give access to information from a variety of sources. We are committed to teaching students information literacy skills and digital citizenship.  

GBAPS school libraries build a collection based on board-approved selection guidelines, that meet the wide-ranging needs and interests across the school community and provide choices that are relevant and appealing. Our collections reflect the diversity of ideas and authors, and the population of our school communities. We include books and other print and digital materials to engage students and support the curriculum.

Browse our collection of books, magazines and other resources by using the Destiny and Classlink tabs. You can log in using your network username and password. 

The Selection and Review of Library Media Center Materials and Resources can be found in GBAPS School Board Documents

If a student is in need of home internet access, there are Kajeet (MiFi) checkouts available. Email Katie Strutz or call (920) 448-2090 and ask for the library. 

We are Future Ready

The Green Bay Area Public School District (GBAPS) mission is to educate all students to be college, career, and community ready, inspired to succeed in the diverse world. Within this mission there are five Core Values: Excellence, Engagement, Equity, Integrity, and Responsibility. The Library Media Department embraces our District Core Values, and we use them to guide our work and library services. 

Our goals and objectives directly align with the District’s Strategic Plan and are guided by practices outlined in the Future Ready Librarian Framework. It is important to note that these goals and objectives are rooted in the beliefs that our work is student-centered and that literacy is at the heart of everything we do. 

If you are interested in learning more about the GBAPS library program, the aforementioned commitments, or our goals and action steps to move us forward, please take a look at our Long Range Plan.

LMC Policies

  • Students may check out a total of three books at a time.
  • The loan period is 30 days.
  • Magazines are limited to two at each checkout; the checkout period for magazines is two weeks.
  • Students must return overdue books prior to checking out additional books.
  • Students have access to e-mail via their Google Apps for Education Account.
  • Students may access their Infinite Campus account through the website link or a phone App.
  • The East High Library Media Center is open to all students.   Students who choose to use the library resources during their study hall should report directly to the library and bring a pass from their teacher who assigned work.
  • The library is a place where discovery and learning take place.   Respect for individuals, the technology, and all materials is expected .

For more information check out the GBAPS District Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).


Helpful Library Links

CLASSLINK: to access our online subscriptions. (Login with network username and password).
Troubleshooting Guide: To troubleshoot issues with student devices.
Library Catalog: to access our Destiny Library Catalog. 
Comics Plus: to access thousands of graphic novels and comic books.
Comics Plus Guide: to learn more about the Comics Plus resource.
East Library Media Center bookshelf


 Library Hours

Monday  7:15 AM - 3:45 PM
Tuesday  7:15 AM - 3:45 PM
Wednesday  7:15 AM - 3:45 PM
Thursday  7:15 AM - 3:45 PM
Friday  7:15 AM - 3:15 PM


Library Staff

Katie Strutz
Library Media Specialist

Email Katie

Lori Peterson
Library Media Assistant

Email Lori

How can we help you?

  • Book checkouts
  • Password resets
  • Technology assistance
  • Homework help
  • General informational inquiries

East LMC Book Club

Book Club meets once a month during all lunch hours. All students and staff are welcome to join the discussion.

The next meeting is Wednesday, October 23, during both lunches. 

2024-25 Book Club Schedule



Discuss Book Ideas  
10/23 The Reappearance of Rachel Price  
11/20 Accountable  
12/18 Out of my Mind  
1/22 Little Women  
2/19 Six Crimson Cranes  
3/19 Code Talker: A Novel About the Navajo Marines of World War Two  
4/16 The Devil in the White City  
5/21 The Silence Between Us  

Books for Breaks!

Be sure to stop in the library before fall, Thanksgiving, Christmas and spring breaks! We have booklists available to look at and lots of books on the shelves.

Book Resources

Literature-Map: Type in a favorite author and click on the magnifying glass. The closer two writers are on the map, the more likely someone will like both of them. Click on any name to travel along.

Brown County Library: Check out what's happening at your local branch. Be sure to click on the TeenZone link!

GoodReads: Meet your new favorite book.

Shelfari: Shelfari is a community-powered encyclopedia for book lovers.

The Book Seer: This site provides a list of recommendations for what to read next.

Book Browse: At Book Browse you can find read-alike recommendations for more than 4000 contemporary books and 3000 authors. 

Lexile Information: What is a Lexile score?  What does it mean? 

Project Gutenburg: The first producer of free e-books.

Bibliography Tools

The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material. You will find everything from tips on writing a thesis to creating and proofreading your Works Cited page.
NoodleTools is a web-based student research service that helps users correctly cite sources in MLA, APA, and Chicago/Turabian Citation styles. These are some of the easiest steps to use NoodleTools. Please visit the LMC if you need assistance.